Monday 22 August 2016


              Over the past few years, earning in Nigeria has been quite a gruesome task, with companies laying of workers, reducing wages and salaries of employees, companies leaving various regions due to insecurity amongst many things. Nigeria pumps at least 200000 graduates into the labour market annually, with rarely any opportunity created for them. The government in a bid to solve this problem of unemployment introduced skills acquisition which has been slightly effective. while some people enjoy the benefits of working from the comforts of their homes, others enjoy the benefits of investment programs made available to them. This is the aim of this post, highlighting a few opportunities that can young graduates earn little while looking for greener pastures at least to the best of my knowledge.
       These opportunities are there to everyone who is willing to have faith in the system. so making some extra cash on the side wont be that hard anymore. The few i know of that are in vogue recently are :

WINTHRILLS NETWORK PLATFORM :- This is a platform that is trusted by many and has helped many. It provides you with the opportunity of making money from your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+) as well as your websites or blogs. It also has a great investment platform where your investment grows depending on the plan used on the platform. And of course there's always the affiliate program which also helps you earn more if you so desire. Because of its trusted and rigid nature winthrills network is very strict with its terms and conditions so as to ensure quality of service. While Nigerians and most people do not like this step, it is critical you read through to understand the network well enough. Most people run from investment schemes so i will give a brief tutorial on the non-investment scheme on winthrills that you can earn as a free member to directly to your local bank account click  HERE to continue to the registration page of this great and wonderful platform. As earlier said i'd give a mini tutorial on the social media opportunity, just to serve as a basic guide to your growing empire of wealth.


After registration on the site, your next step is to add your social media profiles to your accounts so that your money can be validated upon your payout request. the following is how :

STEP  1 :- on the left side of the site a panel is located which shows some options click on account,then click on profile,after the profile page has opened.
STEP  2 :- you add your social media profiles to the site in the formats given ( or (to minimize space so you can add multiple accounts)).
STEP  3 :- if you have created or have multiple facebook accounts you can as well add them in the space provided for facebook URL using the | sign I.E ( |

Upon doing the above your next step is how to promote ads and make your money, now there are some basic rules u have to follow STRICTLY to avoid ur account from being terminated by the site which can be painful,so it is advisable to read the site rules and T&C. the few i can tell you are these :

1] don't click your ads yourself
2] don't share your IP with another member(usually may occur when you share WiFi,not too sure)
3] don't edit your ads in any way,just post as given

Promoting the ads is very simple, just do the following :

STEP 1:- on the left side again,click on promoter center
STEP 2:- click on ppc/ppp text ads
STEP 3:- after the page opens,look for the PROMOTE AD link it should be in blue and click it
STEP 4:- you are now in the promote page,if there is an ad at the moment to promote you should see them there. 
STEP 5:- now if the ads are there you are lucky,now what u do is on the far right of the ad itself  you would see a tiny globe icon,click it and then a pop up will show if your using a system and might not show if your using a phone.
STEP 6:- when you click the ok on the pop up, your unique ad address should show,then you copy  everything and paste to your social media outlet and make your money.
STEP 7:- after making 5000, you now have to upgrade to VIP,and start enjoying full benefits or those of you using mobile phones i will advice to use chrome for this. Another tip i use to know when ads are available is to look around the site once i log in, if i see anywhere on the site where text ads are promoted u know that ad is active, and its usually the bottom left of the left panel.

As promised there is the tutorial. Now next stop is MMM 

 MMM INVESTMENT PLATFORM :-  here's the next good thing so far. this platform gives you %30 of your investment in 30 days, personally i prefer it to keeping my money in the bank when the banks do the same thing and take all the money for themselves because lets face it they don't really give us our money, they just circulate people's money around and make a living just doing that.  So the questions are :

What is MMM?

MMM is a global mutual aid community. MMM is social financial donation exchange network. MMM is an online community of millions of  people who have agreed to willingly extend financial helping hands to one another via donation.

MMM is not a bank, an investment opportunity, a business but simply a community of people helping each other financially.

MMM has no central pocket were money is been deposited. Transactions are done peer to peer.
MMM is being run by the community. That is you and me. We just have a technical program that regulates what we do and what we can't do. The technical system controls how much we can ask as help or withdraw; and how much we can provide as help or deposit.

MMM is composed of 3 components:
1. Provide help
2. Get help
3. Technical basic program

A provider of help is someone who has pledged to give financial help in the community. He or she can also be a receiver of help, when he or she has extended a financial helping hand to someone in the community.

A receiver of help is a member or participant who has already extended a helping hand or provided help. Thus such is qualified to receive help from the community.
So basically MMM hasn't any central account where all money deposits or donations go into; because all donations are done peer to peer. How do I mean? Donations are done via member to member transfers into their bank accounts or bitcoin wallets. The technical basic program controls the activities of the provider of help and the receiver of help.


You know about the popular word 'Contribution' where people contribute money to one person and there's a book where everyone's name is written. When it gets to your turn; everybody's money is given to you.
In MMM, we make pledges to donate our SPARE money to members who need the money. We do so by logging into our MMM account (Personal office) to make the pledge. We join the queue of people who made pledges after making the pledge. We ONLY make pledges. We don't gather our pledges to give to one person. In MMM there is no CENTRAL ACCOUNT (No bank account where all our pledges are paid into). Members transfer money directly to each other. Now, if a member in the community who has already made a pledge to provide financial help to another member and has fulfilled his pledge now needs help, he does that by logging into his MMM account (Personal Office) to say so. The system, connects him with the person in the queue for providing help. If it's your turn on the queue to provide help; when you log into your Personal Office, you will receive the details of the person to provide financial help to. As soon as you pay the money directly into the person's bank account who needs that financial help and that person acknowledges he has received the money, you are now qualified to receive help. You then log into your personal office to ask for financial help. Someone/people in the queue whose turn it is to provide help will be assigned to pay you 30% of the donation you provided + the donation money itself.


Like I said earlier MMM is donation exchange network. If we had previous knowledge of mutual aid society. We understand mutual aid society is a community where we give financial help and receive financial help back.. The more financial help you give, the more financial help you get in return... It's like lending your money out, and receiving it back later or much later when you need it wit little growth (just example). In the real sense,  there's no lender,  there's no borrower in MMM.  What we do is donation.  And there's no law in the world that says donation is illegal. MMM offers its participants 30% growth rate per month for each and every donation we make in the system.
For example
You donate 10,000 naira, after 30 days you would be qualified to 13,000 naira as financial help from another participant in the community, 50,000 naira qualifies you to receive 65,000 naira, 100,000 naira qualifies you to receive 130,000 naira... etc. So basically.. the percentage grows by 1% daily or 30% monthly The basic calculation is :
Donation amount X 1.30 = expected amount after 30 days....

Let me just hint us on what goes on in the system a little. When you make a donation request, your request is registered and placed in a queue, while your money still remains with you. The system has been programmed to sum up all the amount pledged to donate as total deposit in the system. In exchange the system will register your request with its virtual currency called mavros. This mavros is already growing at 1 percent per day. While your request is in queue and your money is still in your pocket or bank account.It's a tradition in MMM, that your donation is frozen for 14 days... So within that 14 days you cannot ask for help. However, you can ask for help(get help) after 14 days because it would have been unfrozen also if your order to send money to a participant who needs help is out already and money has been sent(and Confirmed). So there are situations where your request will be in queue for 15-30 days and your virtual mavro is growing steadily.. Maybe on the 30th day your donation request is approved, contact details and bank details of the recipient who needs help is sent to you.. And you make the payment already and payment was confirmed... I tell you... Even the next day being the 31st day you can withdraw or request to get help.And the total money you ask as help will be paid to you within 48 hours maximally by another participant

Are you wondering where the 30% growth comes from?

Yes! I know you must be wondering where it comes from because we say MMM is not a business. Neither is it a multilevel marketing program. Let me give you a practical example. You create a request to provide help (PH) of N30,000.  Someone else must have created a request to get help (GH) of N30,000. After some time , the order will come, the order contains the details of the recipient. The details include the name, phone number and the bank account details of the recipient. You will  execute the order by sending the money (N30,000) to the recipient. Remember your reward will be N39,000 after a month. Now, at the end of one month you want to withdraw(GH). You will create a request to get help (GH) of N39,000. An order will be created, linking you to the person(s) that will pay you the money just the same way you paid N30,000. The person who pays you N39,000 will still earn 30% on that amount which will be paid by another person. So, the 30% comes from the members.
There is no interest rate in MMM. What we have is 30% growth. In MMM when you create a request to provide help of a sum of money,  your account will be credited with Mavro.  Mavro is simply an index of growth of your donation. Mavro an index of your contribution to the development of the Community. This index grows at 30% per month. It is just a technical matter. Programmers can adjust this growth rate of mavro at any moment. The amount of mavro and its growth rate can be decreased, increased, stopped or  cancelled. The amount of mavro and its growth rate can be adjusted at any moment to balance PH (Providing Help) and GH (Getting Help). That's why MMM can't collapse due to weak inflow of donations. If the inflow of donations will decrease, the amount of mavro will be adjusted, but the main important thing is  that the process of donation exchange will not stop. It makes MMM stronger than the financial organizations. Financial organizations have obligations, if they do not meet them, they will go bankrupt. MMM is very flexible. No matter what will happen, people will provide and get help. 


No! MMM doesn't make any guarantee.. Why?  Because it doesn't generate revenue, neither does it use our money for any business to generate profit. It's purely a peer to peer transaction from one member to another member. MMM belongs to the community. It belongs to the members. its sustainability depends on the activities of the people dat make up the MMM Nigeria community. That is you, me and other MMM Nigeria participants. We own MMM. So it is our corporate responsibility to ensure that this system given to us freely by Sergey Mavrodi keeps helping people in meeting their financial needs by ensuring that we grow the community.
By sharing MMM with friends, family and business acquaintances. Just like the banks invest so much funds in marketing, to attract new deposits, MMM also markets through seminar presentations and Charity events to create awareness and encourage people of different Nigerian ethnic groups to join the community. here's the registration LINK .

So there you have it about MMM. next stop FREEDOM GLOBAL.....

 FREEDOM GLOBAL :-  while MMM is boss freedom global is a similar program but different because it deals  mainly with bitcoins and gives returns faster than MMM, but basically is the same thing. Here's the registration LINK .

I hope this post helps a lot of young Nigerians.

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